
life: i am

when i'm not blogging...
i am:

washing bottles: wash. use. repeat.

loading & unloading the dishwasher. repeat. 

trying to get some sort of organization going in the dude's room.
we really could have done without new toys. 
his room is like a lego mine-field.
(please tell me you know what i'm talking about)

cutting up these tshirts that were destined for goodwill.
(hopefully i'll show you what became of them soon!)

 learning to live with this in my life.
(it's been easier than i thought it would be.)

and trying desperately to keep up with laundry.
but i figured i'd spare you the picture of my husbands boxer-briefs.
(i think you'll both appreciate that!)

the babe had his 4 month well check tuesday
& has been a cranky mess since his shots.
(he's growing & doing well btw)

finished going through memorabilia...
moving onto packing up for a scrapbook retreat this weekend.
i will have a crafty project up on this blog this week, so help me.

ps. thanks for sticking with me through the boring stuff :)

1 comment:

  1. This is not the boring stuff... this is why I love reading your blog. It is a look into your life and it is always honest and full of personality. Congrats on sticking to your 1400 calorie diet. Wowza! I am impressed.

    Can't wait to see what scrappy goodness you reveal soon.


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