
diy: valentine's day glitter frame.

i wanted to share this little project with you sooner...
but if this week has taught me one thing, it's that just when you THINK you are going to  have free time..
either a) your 4 month old is going to be clingy & whiny
b) you are going to drop & mess up the first try & have to do it again
or c) forget to take pictures of a step & have to repeat it again.

but i finished.
and the pictures are ehhh..
i was modpodging & clicking pictures in between feeding & changing my clothes repeatedly.

even with all that. this is a SUPER simple project.

valentine's day glitter frame:

-wood frames from michaels ($1 each)
-chunky glitter (kid's section $2.99)
-paint or spray paint
-foam brush
-mod podge
-transparency (optional)

1. first, paint your frame. i used spray paint only because i already had it on hand. the glitter covers pretty well, but i didn't want to fuss with glitter on the sides & around the heart, so i painted it all.

2. once your paint dries completely, put your frame inside of a baking pan or sheet & cover well with mod podge, you want a pretty thick but even coat.
(and your eyes aren't playing tricks on you. :) i had 4 frames, two square & two rectangle)

 3. shake your glitter all over your frame lightly pressing the glitter down to ensure it sticks.

 4. once your frame is covered in glitter you want to set it off to the side to dry a little. i didn't think to get a picture of it, but once you are done covering your frames in glitter you can dump the extra glitter from the pan back into your container. helps be cost effective & KINDA keep the glitter from ending up everywhere... well.. maybe not. i have glitter everywhere :)

 5. once you've allowed the frame to set for a few hours (just to ensure the glitter sticks & doesn't come up during this step) you want to apply another layer of mod podge to the top to seal it & ensure glitter doesn't continue to show up around your house :)

6. using the paper heart insert that was originally in your frame, place it on top of a 5x7 picture & trace around it. OPTIONAL: the frame doesn't come with a glass or plastic piece. if you want your photo protected you can trace the heart onto a transparency & place that over your picture.

simple. pretty cheap. & easy.
(even if you are juggling dinner & a baby & a 6 year old)

xo- k

ps- more valentine's projects coming. keep your eyes open ;)

linking to these parties:
tatertots & jello

1 comment:

  1. how fun!! thanks for partying with WhipperBerry this weekend, we would love a link back.



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