
valentine's day: 2011

i wish i could say my valentine's day plans went off without a hitch.
but no such luck.

mason loved his secret agent box.
rance avoided spitting up on his shirt for most of the day.

i made these for breakfast:
they are not your average cinnamon rolls..
can you make out the bacon?
i said it.
i found this idea (cause i'm not sure you'd call it a recipe) on framed cooks sometime last year.
pretty much you just unroll each cinnamon roll individually
put a slice of bacon on top, then roll it back up & bake it.
i liked it.
but mason didn't.
& stephen didn't.
so i'm not sure i'd call the idea a success in our household.
i nuked the bacon a couple of minutes prior to putting it in the bacon like she suggested..
but i think next time (for myself) i'll cook it a few minutes more.
but if you like syrup on your bacon.. i'd try it.

then while doing dishes after breakfast i sliced my thumb wide open.
so not fun.

i delivered my packages of chocolate covered popcorn.
no hiccups.

for dinner i was set on making my brother's mother in law's marinara sauce.
(did you follow that? or my sister-in-law's mother's recipe)
we had it in november at her birthday & the hubs fell in love.
shea (my sister in law) gave me the recipe for christmas
& the hubs has been complaining since that i haven't made it.
so we had her sauce with ravioli & chicken parm.

for dessert:
via food network

they were good.
with homemade whipped cream swirled with strawberry puree.
most definetly a hit.

soo.. a few bumps & bruises along the way..
but all & all it went off well.

hope you had a good valentine's day. :)

linking up:
tatertots & jello


  1. We are all about the bacon here! (We make bacon & chocolate chip cookies. Yum!)
    Did you par-fry the bacon first or just put it on completely raw...?

  2. That dessert looks amazing! And once we have kids, nothing ever goes as planned! Looks like a special day!


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