
diy: cupid's wingman shirt

we have some errands of love to run monday..
and since the babe doesn't have any valentine appropriate clothing..
i made him something.

i'm no pro.  
it's been a LONG time since i used a blanket stitch..
and i have NEVER appliqued anything EVER.
i used this tutorial to get me started.

from there i sketched out the design on card stock in pencil.

i made sure it fit on the onesie i grabbed from the stash of hand me downs.

then i cut the pattern into individual pieces.
i pinned the pieces to regular old craft felt squares & cut them out.

then i pinned it all on the onesie, sewing around the wings first (so they would be underneath the heart)

and here is my in-house model wearing his new shirt. :)

couple of things..
i have NO idea how this will wash up.
i will probably wash it by hand & see what happens.
if it falls apart.. i'm okay with that.
it's likely the onesie won't fit him much longer anyways..
(and i only have about 2 hours invested in it, and i'm okay with that too)
i will use less strands of the embroidery floss next time.
i'm happy with the way it turned out for the most part.
i started with a running stitch on the heart, and then pulled out about 8 stitches because i wasn't happy with it.
i ended up doing a blanket stitch in red so it didn't look as busy..
i'm not 100% in love with it.

BUT.. i will probably try appliqueing again..
anyone have advice on the matter?
felt type? stitching pointers? washing?
any tips would be appreciated :)

for my first hand appliqued anything,
it'll do :)


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  1. So cute! Looks like you did a great job. I prefer sewing machines, but have tried felt applique before, and it was tedious! Great job!

  2. Love the title and the onesie! Such a cute idea!

  3. Love this idea! I'll definitely be putting it in a file for "someday" when i have my own wing man!

  4. it looks great. I love this type of applique, i do it my self too. It takes time but it gives it so much for character! Great Job!!

  5. I think it is adorable! I hope it does wash ok. He looks so cute, you'll want him to wear it again!

  6. Aww! The best Valentine shirt that I have seen!


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