
rak: january

one of my goals for 2012 was to do a random act of kindness.
also known as a RAK.
i have hopes that each month i'm able to do MORE than one...
but i have to be realistic about our single-income budget.
(sometimes i have visions/delusions of grandeur)

the whole idea of doing a RAK each month came from a few different blogs,
where the bloggers were doing SEVERAL acts of kindness on their birthdays.
(turning 29 = 29 RAK to be carried out that day)
realistically, for me, with a baby in tow..
running around town doing 33 acts in one day seemed like a disaster waiting to happen.
so i settled on incorporating MORE throughout the year.
mostly because it always feels good to do something nice for someone..
but more because i realized we were TELLING the dude to think of others before himself..
but in truth we didn't have a ton of opportunities to SHOW him what that felt like.
seeking out these opportunities, i hope, will not only encourage him to be thoughtful,
but will teach him to look to the world around him, and ask 'what can i do?'

 i thought about who around me i could bestow some random kindness on.
i am blessed beyond measure with some wonderful people in my life. 
family members & friends.
but when i searched my heart, i found my thoughts were drawn to one incredibly kind person.
my friend andrea, who i've never met in real life, nor spoken to in person.
the internet can be a wonderful place sometimes.
she is the same age as me, and sometimes there is wisdom beyond her years in her advice.
we've talked about our boys (she's a mama of two boys as well)
we've talked about behavior of said boys.
we've talked about marriage.
style (her fabulous, my lack of)
project life.
masking tape.
we've talked about it all.

her words have soothed & help heal me more than a few times.
(i'm not sure she even knows that)
she's been the upbeat, positive voice in my head when i'm doubting my abilities.
and for all that, i wanted to do something for her.

she's a project lifer & i decided that i would break in my silhouette by making up some goodies for her.
(using my gift, to gift to someone else ;)

fonts: bebas, blackout, my topher, cursive standards  & heydings icon (camera)
silouette shapes: television, weekday/weekend tags, set of 3 banners, tag, frame, word bubble, days border

i mailed off her package with a big smile on my face
& a HUGE tingle in my heart.
 i'm looking forward to february's RAK.
(i already know what i'm doing! :)

happy tuesday!


thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment! i try to respond to everyone, especially if you have a question. please make sure your email address is in blogger, or that you leave your email address in your comment so that i can respond to you directly with any questions you have! :)