
photos: picmonkey & photosheet

i make no claims to be savvy with photo editing.
i was a straight up pre-programmed actions user on picnik.
and when picnik announced it's closing..
well, like many other users i was DEVASTATED.

and then, i heard about picmonkey.
have you heard about picmonkey?
if you haven't. you must check it out for yourself!
it was developed by former picnikers..
so you can imagine.
let me tell ya.. it's quite a bit cooler.

i am in LOVE with it.
(but i still miss my vampire skin action on picnik!)
i have been editing the last 10 weeks worth of pictures for project life using it.
there are A TON more 'actions' or 'filters' than picnik had.
and a HUGE selection of fonts as well.
..and not those lame ones picnik had!

so i get into picmonkey, like i said..
and i'm all relieved because i can edit my photos without having to invest in photoshop.
and then it hits me.
they don't have a 'collage' feature as of yet.

so, where i was making a 4x6 collage of my 2x2 pictures from my phone..
now i'm stuck.
cause the 2x2's wont print out at 2x2 just sending them to be printed.
and i don't print at home.
so, like i said i was stuck.

so i googled something like
'printing wallets without photoshop'.
although it probably wasn't that either.
after a few searches i stumbled upon a thread on some website talking about
holy love of scrapbooking, why didn't i know about his before?

photosheet is AMAZING.
(youtube it, you'll see)
it's free.
it's easy.
it's a lifeeeeeeesaver!

so i downloaded photosheet.
watched the youtube videos
& got to work with my photos.

this is a 4x6 sheet.
print it off at the local walmart, cvs, costco, etc.
you get one 4x4 & two 2x2.
PERFECT for project life.
(these pictures are taken with instagram btw)

here's the even better part.
do you print out wallets for scrapbooking or project life,
only to be stuck with a lonely duplicate wallet you don't necessarily need?
i did too.
not anymore.

not only can you get two wallets printed now on a 4x6
(so it's an ACTUAL 3x4 thankyouverymuch)
with no extra "wallet" charge from the developer..
but just like the above picture with 3 photos,
you can print two DIFFERENT photos on one sheet.

awesome right?!?!
i thought so too!
which is why i'm sharing it with you..
in the event that you are as technologically challenged in photo editing as i am!

check 'em out.
ya won't be sorry!


1 comment:

  1. can you explain step by step how you did this on photosheet lorie.quezada@yahoo.com


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