
project life 2012: week eight

by now you may be getting tired of seeing all these pages..
but i only have two more weeks to share to the point i'm caught up, then you'll get a break for a while
(until it's time to catch up again, of course)
next it'll be an onslaught of birthday party stuff.
'cause my big little guy turns eight in a few weeks, and we are having a pirate party!
a pirates of the caribbean party, to be exact..

it's been interesting planning that one i tell you..
i don't know why this kid can't pick a 'current' trend to have a party around.
all the pirates of the caribbean stuff is being clearanced out everywhere, and i can't get my hands on ANY of it!

here's week eight:

took my color cues from the frosted toast crunch cereal box,
but it seemed to work well with all my other pictures.
felt good to get the purple in there & use up some more scrap pieces!

the dude had a class field trip to the local grocery store this week.. no parents allowed..
we happened to need a few things that evening so we went back on our own
& he walked around showing me all the stuff he saw
he kept saying 'hi! remember me?' to all the employees..
it was silly & he was very excited to point out all the stuff he saw!

looking at tattoo's on pinterest prompted this one..
non-tattoo'd people always ask 'what about what it'll look like when you are 80?'
as if that's a deterrent for anyone who wants one.
i don't get it.. at the end of my life i want to look back
& know i had as many experiences in one life time i could..
who the heck cares at 80 what it looks like?!
i ain't planning on trying to attract anyone who wouldn't like me for me at ANY point in my life.
tattoo's or not!
(random rant, ya, i know!:)
and then a smash! pad from the new 'top 10' with the books i read in february.

lots of journaling this week.
this one about my grandmother's stay at the hospital in february.
lots of the same text that were in my 'i'm the worrier' post.

i cut up the cereal box & put it in this week.
one because i'm all about design
& in years to come the box will certainly have changed,
or the cereal cease to exist at all..
but i want to remember how everytime we went into the store it was a fight
over this stinking cereal, until i caved one week when it was on sale!

a cut out from my silhouette marking the babe's newest word
'bob bob'.. as in.. 'spongebob'
before you shake your head at me about this stinking cartoon..
know.. i have TRIED to eliminate it from our life.
kept the dude from watching it at home..
but at nana's (as with every grandma) the rules are ALWAYS out..
and her & papa let him watch it..
so i gave up.
and now, the only kid friendly channel the dude gets in his room is nick..
and spongebob is on ALL THE TIME..
so it was inevitable that the babe would pick up on it.
oh well.
and then sneaking some of my mom's wallaby darned at dinner one evening..
(those things are seriously addictive!)

and that's week eight.
loooving it.
questions about supplies? leave a comment.
want a bigger picture? click on it.

xo-k :)

1 comment:

  1. i plan to channel my inner kristy and draw (and keep) journaling lines. been meaning to and seeing yours always reminds me to be more free and playful on my pages.
    love. every. bit. of your stuff. (as per usual.)


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