
diy: bookmark

i may or may not have mentioned i have a slight obsession with all things vampire.
being born in the month of all things spooky.. it comes naturally i suppose.
a few of my scrapbooking friends convinced me to read twilight a few years ago..
(pre-movie-rob-pattinson craze)
and i fell in love with reading all over again..
i was one of those people who stayed up & skipped meals to read..
uhmm... yep. one of THOSE people.
but once i put down the fourth book, i was kinda like.. NOW WHAT?!

that's when sookie stepped in.
because before there was true blood in my life..
there was sookie stackhouse..
and like a cruel joke...
once i was finished with oh.. the first EIGHT..
i found out i had to wait a month for number nine..
and then a year from then on for the rest!

but the year is almost up...
& #11 in the series will be out 5.03.11!!!
i'm totally excited & although i've been dragging my feet getting through 'alice in wonderland'..
i'm sure i'll be through #11 in less than 24 hours & mad because i have another year to wait.

and because my friends are just as crazy about sookie as i am...
i decided to make them a book mark to go along with the new book.

(why yes.... that is a bottle of truBLOOD... doesn't everyone have one of those?!)
nothing fantastic.
just simple & functional.
easy & personalized.

here's what you need:

-glossy accents
-letter stickers
-embroidery floss, cotton beading cord, hemp, or twine

1. put your alphabet sticker on the inside of your photo turn. (i added blood drops stickers to look like vampire bites, obviously that's not for everyone.. :)

2. next, put your glossy accents on top, filling in the photo turn opening, but not putting in so much that it over flows the lip on the photo turn. it'll be a milky white color, that's normal.

3. if you should get bubbles in your glossy accents, you'll want to get those out before it dries. you can take a sewing needle, or scrap of wire and 'lift' the bubbles out. just stick your pin or wire underneath the bubble and lift until the bubble reaches the surface & pops.

4. once all your bubbles are removed, allow your piece to dry 24 hours.

5. after the photo turn has dried for 24 hours, it's time to add the cord. i measured out the height of my other sookie books & then doubled the measurements & added a few inches to that, so that it would dangle off the spine.

6. take your cord, fold it in half & knot the end.

7. feed the folded end up through the bottom of the hole in the photo turn. pull the knotted end through the loop & pull tight.

there ya have it. relatively quick & simple. the way the cord is made i figure it's easy to store it around your car visor. i used to do a ton of reading in my car during my lunch break & still read in the car line to pick up the dude, so it's a handy place to store it for me.

i've already made another one for the dude. he's gotten into reading a lot lately & i thought it'd be a good little incentive to help him stay on track.

and just in case you were curious... the lack of craftiness around here is in direct correlation to how much time i am spending re-reading my sookie books!
happy friday!


  1. Ahhh....a woman after my own heart :) I am anxiously awaiting #11 too, just hoping it picks up a bit...the last couple were a little weird (as in really slow moving, then BOOM, over).
    When I first read Twilight (and I would be embarrassed to admit how many times I have re-read them), it was like some kind of crack binge...didn't sleep, eat, bathe...lol!

  2. I LOVE these - so clever and easy to make thanks to your great tutorial! Thanks for sharing!


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