
life: late night scrapbooking makes me do crazy things.

this is what happens to me when i am free from mama & wife duties.
i get a little crazy.
mix it up with the late night giggles, scrapbooking & some of the best girlfriends anyone can ask for..
& i do some stupid stuff for a laugh.
take this particular night, about 2 years ago.
it was probably 1 or 2 am.
there were about 40 of us scrapbooking at a weekend retreat. 
at my table a few of my good friends & i got the giggles.
probably started with a late night trip to steak & shake for cheese fries..
where my friend nita likely almost killed us..
(she ah... kinda drives like a cullen. for real!)
i'm pretty sure there was some talk about definitions on urban dictionary..
& some how i ended up using a rubber stamp to give myself a mustache..
which was followed by making an eye patch out of scrap paper & some tulle.
& talking like a pirate.

no joke.
i'm a real party animal.
but if the worst my husband has to worry about is me accidentally stamping my face with permanent ink while i'm away from my family..
i think we are doing pretty good.

who needs bar hopping & booze when you've got good friends & steak & shake fries?

i'm getting some much needed me-time this weekend..
thanks to my AWESOME WONDERFUL AMAZING husband..
who is coming home after work & letting me take off.
(he's a keeper for other reasons too though!)

there is scrapping & likely some late night shenanigans in my very near future!
i can't wait :)
see ya monday!!


1 comment:

  1. Where was I when you posted this????? (Probably on sabatical..) I so remember this! I think I even dared you to use black Stayz On, which you did not! I really wish you would have. I would have LOVED to see the look on Stephen's face if you came home like that! :D (I would bet that he would probably never, ever let you scrapbook with me ever again!) What great times!!! Argh!

    And, don't hate the driving. I happen to like how I drive! :D


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