
diy: redneck sprinkler

i am not sure i could call this one a project..
but were just gonna lump it in there with summer stuff.
complaints? nope, didn't think so.:)

i just went outside to move the hoses & sprinklers so the hubs could finish mowing..
you should have seen his face when i lifted this joker up outta the grass!
of course now i'm inside, sneezing up a storm..
(hello grass & ragweed allergies)
and trying to kill the gnat that keeps flying up my nose!

the hubs would probably kill me for posting pictures of our grass that obviously needed to be mowed..
but in his defense he just came off a 10 day shift...
working 90+ hours in 90 degree heat with 102 heat indexes.
i wasn't going to complain one bit about tall grass.
(especially since i would look like some version of hitch during his allergic reaction to food,  if i tried to cut it myself)

enough about me, my grass, and swollen facial features.
i came across this idea on pinterest via making memories with your kids, and knew i had to try it out
mason & cogan were laughing when they saw me put it together.
& really it only took a few short minutes once i pulled everything out.

empty a soda bottle.
poke some holes on 3 sides with a screwdriver (the fourth will be facing down)
tape it to your hose. (i used electrical tape 'cause it's what i had)
turn on the hose & marvel at your redneck sprinkler!

you're laughing right?
'cause if you're not, you totally should be.
it's funny!
i mean seriously.. in a pinch, this would do the trick, right?!
cheaper than that thing that fell apart after 15 minutes the other day!

just a note. you NEED good water pressure.
(we have average pressure)
the less water pressure you have, the fewer holes you should poke.
trial & error people, you are only out an empty soda bottle! :)


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  1. I love it... in our neck of the woods we'd call it a "Polish Sprinkler"... since most of the folks in this part of TX hail from Poland and Germany... LOL

  2. Love it Kristy - thanks so much for sharing!!
    Practical and funny :o)


  3. That's awesome! So glad you guys had fun with it! And thanks so much for linking back to me =o)

  4. Great idea! I'm stopping by from the Sunday Showcase party. I would love for you to link this up to My Favorite Things party! It's going on all week,
    & be sure to check out my giveaway too!



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