
currents: 8.15.11

i'm desperately trying to get back to blogging regularly.
and get back to blogging crafts..
but first i gotta get back INTO the crafting!

until then, and maybe even after then..
i thought i'd do some currents a la tina azmus.
i always enjoy her lists, as well as vee jennings.
i wanted to include pictures & links this time..
but next time.. i may post channeling my friend andrea (aka retrohipmama)
(i just super puffy heart her hand written charts & lists!)

watching: true blood. i'm 2 episodes behind. it's a sin, i know, but summer bedtimes & daytime company have made it difficult to keep up. i'm just trying to savor the sookie/eric screen time.. :)

obsessing over: tattoos. evidence? my pinterest board 'inked'. all it took was one word from the bf about getting a new one & i was reminded that i think 3 is not nearly enough. please don't judge. i would totally rock a huge visible piece if i thought my job future wouldn't be affected by it. (not that i know what said future is.. )

reading: the crowning glory of calla lily ponder. picked it up on a whim while @ sams club this weekend. i needed something to hold me over until i get my hands on the next black dagger book & rebecca wells is a favorite author (divine secrets of the ya ya sisterhood) ... and i can't seem to get myself into the davinci code just now..

laughing at: the mommy therapy. found it through a daily read & have tracked backed through entries & nearly cried all over my laptop laughing so hard. leslie is hilarious & real. a stay at home mom. someone who doesn't make me feel less than real if i have a bad day where i daydream about doing something more glamorous than changing poopy diapers & arguing over why you can't cover your baby brother up with a blanket & drag him around on the floor like a sack of potatoes.

contemplating: dip dyed hair or peekaboo highlights. i'm totally jonesing... but putting it off until winter. between chlorine & the sun i'm thinking it wouldn't last long in the summer.. plus i'm a little chicken. i'm confident my mom will hate it, my brother, the lawyer, will claim the adult version of 'mom kristy's rebelling' like he did when i got my tongue pierced (yes. i did that. a lifetime & two kids ago), and the hubs may kick me out of the house. (i kid. i hope.)

on repeat:

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craving: nutella. want to try these nutella cookies

looking forward to: halloween crafts. shopping for supplies for rance's 1st birthday & it's torture to pass up all the spooky halloween decor! PLUS new seasons of glee & vampire diaries!

playing: lots of uno.

hoping to have some looongg overdue crafting posts up later this week...


1 comment:

  1. it's been so good catching up with you!
    glad you did a list...love knowing what's up with you.
    tattoos: i've noticed!
    dipped tips: oh yeah...me too!
    pumped up kicks: us too!

    looks like you got my list makin' brain goin!

    see ya!


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