

i don't know what's got into me the last few days..
suddenly, it just hit me that there was NOTHING stopping me from being crafty.
well, nothing besides endless time surfing pinterest.
pinterest is like.. well it's like crafters crack.
yes. i just said a website was a drug.
anyone on pinterest gonna argue with me?

ya. didn't think so.
(and if you do.. well then you are in denial)
before you know it you've spent an hour pinning away.
i've never done drugs..
but i'm thinking it starts out the same way..
trying to figure out what it's all about..
it starts small & innocent..
and then before you know it your baby is climbing up the couch like a monkey while he chomps on cheerios he found UNDER it from God knows when because you haven't had cheerios in the house in over a month.

you laugh.. but i think you know what i'm talking about..
don't you?

it's okay.
it'll be our little secret.
pinky promise!

so anyways.
(please don't send me hate mail. drugs are bad, yes. sense of humor is good, yes :)
once i got my butt off the computer i had the urge to scrapbook.
because years ago, i used to do that on a regular basis.
well. a semi-regular basis.

so monthly. i scrapbooked monthly.
i haven't scrapbooked in.. 6 months.
bad because i miss it.. not because i have this crazy idea that i'll ever be caught up.
(ha! who are these 'caught up' people, show me. 'cause they ain't livin' right!)

bla bla.
so here they are. :)

you know what feels good?
buying nothing new.
you know what else?
loving it all, despite the lack of 'new' supplies.
everything flows much better when i'm true to my own style.
how 'bout you?
i'm a doodler & a lover of masking tape.
it's not for everyone.
and i free-form journal.
just draw some lines.. start writing.
it's not pre-thought out.
if i need more lines, i draw them.
simple. as. that.


ps.. if you are interested in supplies, you can find them listed here under each layout :) 

pps.. if you are reading this andrea.. thank you. you helped spark the urge to scrapbook :)


  1. Hello, my name is Danielle, I too am an addict. But I have to tell you, it is so motivating me to organize, create, have fun. Where did I move this time slot? From Facebook, words with friends, and angry birds. At least I moved computer time to computer time. I have refinished 2 bookshelves, am currently working on a table, and headed to ikea tonight for some more organizational stuff. We drove by some old picket fences in somebody's front yard and wanted to grab them for a photo wall shelf. My husband thought I had lost it. Oh, I also made the tree branch curtain rods... All this the past month. Love pinterest! Pin away!

  2. oh my goodness! i just read the last line and i'm so smiley right now! so proud of you my scrappy friend. i LOVE your scrap style soooo much! i might try the doodling frames...what kind of pen do you use? glad you got off your butt...welll...more like moved it to wherever you scrap but hey...it ain't staring at a computer. i gotta get into the masking tape thing...where do you find them?
    again...love all these pages! i just took pics of all my recent pages and need to crop and save them this week so i can update the blog...can't wait to share them with you.
    Oh don't forget not to reply here... ;)


thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment! i try to respond to everyone, especially if you have a question. please make sure your email address is in blogger, or that you leave your email address in your comment so that i can respond to you directly with any questions you have! :)