
photo: soccer player

they lost their first game.
the other team was pretty brutal.
but, i figure... if he starts off every game with the same enthusiasm...
we've totally won.

this 'keep moving forward' quote from disney's 'meet the robinsons' is following me these days..
i have a project list a mile long..
it includes:
gathering halloween goodies
making a halloween costume
working on a home binder
getting together a recipe binder
planning handmade christmas projects
fine tuning our christmas present list for the boys
and top priority this week is making goodies for the second anniversary & grand reopening at a new location of my friend's scrapbook store.

i am excited & staying positive!


1 comment:

  1. oh goodness what a list! and i like every single thing on it! i hope you can get a few things done here and there...without the pressure of course. have fun with the scrapbooking party goodies...i'm sure you'll create something that will add calories just by looking at them!
    i love the pic of mason. =) reminds me so much of gibson in football last year. mr. enthusiastic and just wanted nothing but to be out there and have fun! such a great attitude to have! hope he keeps his head up all season.
    have a good night girlfriend!


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