
currently// 7.18.14

loving// bamboo paper for iPad. i downloaded it a few days ago, picked up a stylus, and spent 4 hours last night (like 10-2am), and another 2 this morning (shh!), just doodling. it reminded me of the crayola color studio i had when i was about 11 or 12 that used to hook up to the tv & let you draw on it. i sat on that thing for hours.

(i think my friend nita was ready to stage an intervention this morning if i didn't stop doodling!)

& also the babe (who i guess really needs a new nickname, since he's almost 4) has been coloring up a storm. i picked him up one of those color wonder travel kits when we took a weekend road trip, and he's been coloring up a storm since. went through the first pack, had to pick up a second for the ride home.. he made me print out a ton of coloring pages monday, and then made his dad do the same tuesday. i love it, because the dude never really liked coloring...

loathing// cooking. i'm just so over it right now. i don't even want to think about food. i just want someone to fix a plate & put it in front of me. i'm bored with food for the most part...i guess?

drinking// water. not enough, but a lot. & yes. iced. freaking. coffee. i give up.

eating// about the only thing that looks appetizing these days is avocado. on my burger, in my chicken salad, on a sub, in a car, in a plane, on a train.. oh, wait.. that's green eggs & ham.... just generally eating it on everything that sounds like it would go well with it. and i want some salsa from this restaurant in town, latinos, so badly, i have half a mind to make the 20 minute drive just for a jar of it!

watching// investigation discovery!!! due to a rather sad & tired computer chair, and a requirement of many hours in front of the computer for school, i've been rotating my time between the bed (where there is a tv, and no kids) & the computer room (where there is no tv, and often 2 noisy kids). it's no secret i'm a big true crime tv junkie. i'm a die hard city confidential, & forensic files fan, and seek out reruns often.. well somehow i landed on investigation discovery & was hooked. it's all day everyday of csi type shows. warning: it will make you terrified to leave your house, question everyone you come into contact with, and make you worried that the most bizarre things could quite possibly be happening inside your very private next door neighbors house.


listening// i don't have anything i'm particularly attached to at the moment. except maybe this paramore song..

catching up on// project life.. i have 4, that's right FOUR more spreads until 2013 is finished & i can move onto 2014. so so so excited about this.

until next month..


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