
diy: coffeemate snowman.

i get excited when the holiday's roll around, like everyone else...

but i'm pretty sure there aren't many people who get quite as excited about the return of coffeemate's peppermint mocha coffee creamer as i do.

i'm just guessing.

from the time it comes out right around thanksgiving, to the time it disappears again in january, it's safe to say i go through about 2 bottles a week. all by myself.

that's kinda alot of coffee creamer people.

& i feel pretty lame about it, but i have a hard time letting go of bottles & jars. i feel like if i get rid of them i'll find some really cool project that i could use them for, and then i'll be ticked off at myself for not keeping them. it's not just bottles & jars. it's tins too. it's a sickness really. i have no idea what i'll do with them, but they are taking up an entire shelf in my garage....

& i can't let them go.

so imagine how happy i was when i went to put the coffee creamer away a week ago, & it dawned on me it kinda looked like a snowman.

well maybe not EXACTLY like one, but close enough!

close enough for me, ....especially since i figured it'd be an easy craft for mason & i to do while he was out on winter break.  

coffeemate snowman

-empty coffeemate creamer container
-white paint
-black paint
-orange paint
-pencil with eraser

1. wash your empty container & remove the wrapper.

2. cover the work surface & have them paint just the bottle part white. (i re purposed some old flexible cutting boards for craft usage.)

3. set bottles aside to dry.

 4. while bottle is drying, have them paint the lid black.

 5. set aside lid to dry.

6. take pencil & dip eraser into black paint to make eyes, mouth, & buttons.

(i had two little guys i was working with. mason lost interest, so i stamped his & let the other use it as a guide to do his own)

7. take orange paint & paint on carrot nose. i did this one part for the other little guy. put lid on & you have yourself a little snowman.

i know it's after christmas, but i figure you can fill this with candy & give it as a gift. or fill it with white hot chocolate mix. or flavored sugar. or just set it out as a christmas/winter decoration. or, what i think we will do with it.... use it as a christmas savings, so he has his own money to buy gifts next year.

whatever you decide to do with it, even if you do it just enjoy doing something with your child, it's a fun little way to re purpose something you would have just thrown away!


ps. if you decide to do this, please, link up your project... i'm interested to see you put your own twist on it. i contemplated gluing beads on & adding a scarf, but between refereeing 6 & 4 year old boys, and feeding the baby, i figured simple was best!


  1. I love how rustic he looks! Cute use of those (we have 5Million of them lol) Happy New Year!

    hugs! Kim @ Party Frosting!


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