
life: looking forward.

if i'm being honest, i've never been good at following through on new years resolutions.
it's REALLY easy to make them, but actually doing them.. eh.

a few years ago i got the idea from elise blaha to make a list of things i wanted to do before my next birthday. it started as a '29 things before i'm 30' list. (it'd be 31 things this year, just in case you are curious.) and while i'd love to cross 31 things off a list, truth is, i feel like it's not very realistic for me this year.

i'd rather be successful at a few things, then end up being overwhelmed & disappointed in myself.

wouldn't you?

i was coloring with the dude yesterday & started doodling a list of ideas for 2011.

so what's on the list you ask?

well. things like..

-learn how to make sushi
-make time for dates with the hubs
-take more walks with the boys
-get crafty!
-learn about my camera(s).
         GET OUT OF AUTO!
-bake a cake. from scratch.
-teach myself embroidery
-learn to use my sewing machine
-set aside more PLAY time with the boys
-(get another tattoo)
-hang pictures
-make my own salsa
-ride my bike
-read more.
-open an etsy shop.
stop talking about doing it & DO it!

there are a couple of other things on the list.. but you get the idea. instead of thinking about it as a list of resolutions, think about it as a life 'to do' list. a sort of short term 'bucket list' maybe? somehow that makes it seem less intimidating.. doesn't it?

i invite you to make your own list & link it up in the comment section. i'd like to see what's on your 'to do' list next year. craft projects? trips? home makeovers? personal goals? let's see it all!


1 comment:

  1. That's a really good idea, I might have to do one myself. ;]


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