
birthday bomb: fourth birthday

*blogger has deleted my pictures, i'm working on getting them reposted, bear with me!*

the dude turned four.

after the major disappointment his last birthday brought..
the lack of attendance..
and the wasting of food & money..

i opted to keep it simple.
mason was (& is honestly) obsessed with the movie jaws & all things shark.
so, we went back to the pool party idea.
only this time it was a 'shark' themed party. 

the invites were (again) my favorite part.

i like interactive, unexpected invitations.
so this time i went with the message in a bottle idea.
bought the bottles with corks online..
along with the sand & shark confetti.
printed out the invites on regular paper..
& secured the cork with blue electrical tape.

after all the favor crap i was left with the year before..
i skipped buying them.
instead i bought several pairs of goggles.
i figured if no one showed up, we'd at least be able to use them.

but, everyone who said they would come, came.

and once again, the cake was a total flop.
only this time it wasn't my own. 

i ordered the cake from 'sam's club'
I could have TOTALLY done better than this...
& you've seen my previous cakes!
i'm not sure why making one corner look like a beach & the rest water was so hard.
or the writing?
ya. coulda done that too.
major disappointment.

the cake was lame & everything else turned out fine.
(more importantly i didn't cry!)

so, onto his 6th birthday bomb. which isn't quite as much of a bomb as it was just a bummer.

and no, i didn't skip his 5th birthday... cause i skipped his 5th birthday party.
such a crap move in retrospect.
we had a little family & friends thing.
just swimming & a cake before i headed off to nyc.
(i'll probably never forgive myself for not throwing him a party..)

you live & learn.


 for a list of all the birthday bombs & why i'm blogging them click here.

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