
diy: inappropriate art

so here i am, with a freshly (since oh.. july of last year) painted bedroom.

we currently have mix matched nightstands.
mine: a rolling storage tote filled with pictures.
his: the end table that got kicked out of the living room & replaced by a bookshelf.

we have no headboard.
i've truthfully kinda been anti-headboard all along.
that's because when we had a headboard
(a heavy duty metal scroll-work headboard)
i consistently woke up with my hand trapped inside a loop.
so not cool. 

we have this horrible walmart bed-in-a-bag comforter i despise.
we ONLY bought it because it was cheaper to buy it than just a bed skirt alone.
& we needed a bedskirt for our new king-sized bed.
but mostly we needed it to hide all the plastic bins housing my scrapbooking stuff shoved underneath.

where am i going with this?
well.. clearly as 99.99% of my time is now spent in my home...
i'd at least like to enjoy my surroundings.

i have been working on figuring out what i want vs. what i can afford
what is my style vs. what is available
what is beautiful vs. what will survive all the boys in this house

& then the ideas started brewing.
it started with this pillow.

i thought it was funny.
the hubs would think it was funny.
we need some new bedding which includes pillows, right?

then i literally drooled all over my keyboard looking at ashley from under the sycamore's bedroom makeover
the colors.
the bedding.
the flooring.
the wall hangings.
the chicken wire.
(yes. i said chicken wire)
but what resonated the most with me was the story of how as a newly engaged couple,
they were mentored by another couple who encouraged them to keep their bedroom about them. 
about their relationship. 
i liked that idea. 
if my kids rooms are to be a reflection of them, why can't our room be about us?

which brings us to this card i came across on pinterest.

which, is just downright funny to me.
funny, because my husband would say something like this.
but the pink?
eh. so not me.

so after falling in love with the birth stats art i made for the babe's room..
i decided to see what i could come up with.
because, i'm really kinda tired of seeing a gigantic blank wall in my room.

so i played around with the stickers available on picnik.
a thought bubble.
what my friend steph calls 'restroom people'.
i was pretty pleased with myself.
i mean. it's FUNNY.
& that's US.

while my husband may say something like this to me..
in truth...my thought bubble would look something more like:

so i had a good laugh.
saved the files & then showed the hubs, who found them pretty darn funny as well.

and then it hit me.

as funny as they MAY be...
as much as they are EXACTLY what we might say to each other...
i REALLY don't want to have to explain to my 6 year old what they mean.

inappropriate alright.

back to the drawing board.


ps. if you DON'T need to sensor your wall art for little ones eyes.. feel free to borrow my creations. you should be able to right click & save it. for personal use only! thanks! :)

linking to:
tatertots & jello


  1. I've got to tell you that I found your blog last night and have fallen inlove. I think it's quickly becoming one of my "must read" blogs.

  2. you are funny...i like all of these inappropriate items. like i want to purchase them. is that bad?

  3. Hah! :) Love those. lol. They would make super-cute wall stickers!!

  4. haha, I love them too. My favorite saying is "Let's Make Out". Don't want to explain that one but I really want to put it on my wall. I wasn't sure if anyone would get my sense of humor.


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