
diy: nursery wall art birth stats

i've been oohing & aahing over letterpressed birth stats art on etsy.
(i ooh & aah over SO many things on etsy really...)

but for me, it's not realistic to drop $20 on something i'm going to hang on the wall.
especially since it's not a necessity.
add in the frame & you are really pushing the limit on what i'm willing to spend.

i decided to use picnik to make my own.
i mean, if people use photoshop to make stuff like that...
& picnik is 'photoshop' for poor/lazy thrifty/clever people, why not?

(in all the below photos the black line is where his middle & last name are.. just blacked out for our safety)
so i played around with different fonts & sizes
& color combos
& designs
& i kept feeling like it was missing something..
some design element.
i wasn't feeling any of the stickers available.
but i wanted something other than text.

& then the idea hit me.
so i ran (ok!.... i walked) into the babe's room & dug out the scraps from his bedding..
& got to work cutting up little squares to bring in some color & mimic the bedding design.

(this is the quilt my mom & aunt made from my design idea it's kinda just stuck up there. i haven't figured out what i want to do with this wall yet....)

after i printed it out on textured 8 1/2 x 11 cardstock, i placed the glass from the frame over top to figure out placement. (i avoid math as much as possible & just eyeball it)

traced around the glass & then cut it out.

i put the little hand cut squares (no perfect measurements here either) in the middle & stuck them down with glue dots.

put it in the frame & put the frame back together & i was done.
the hardest part was figuring out what font i wanted.
(seriously... that took like 2 hours.)

this is the wall it is going on, but i don't trust myself to hang it well, so i'm waiting on the hubs
plus, the wall faces the window & i couldn't get a clear picture (that didn't reflect me in my pjs)

i'm VERY happy with it.
especially since hobby lobby facilitated the completion by having their frames 50% off this week...
& as soon as the other wall piece is finished & they are both up i'll share the whole wall with you.

supplies: frame, cardstock, scraps of fabric, glue dots & scissors. total cost WITH tax: $11.
ya can't beat that!


  1. Wonderful idea, and at a price that can't be beat!

  2. What a fun idea!! thanks for sharing!

  3. How did you get the blank page on Picnik? I use it all the time...but can't figure how to start it with it being a picture??

    Love the idea!

  4. Hubby and I are considering trying for a baby soon, so I'm very keen on ideas like this!

    If you get a chance, I'd love for you to link this up for my Not "Baaad" blog hop, which is up right now. It's unlike other linkies in that you actually compete with the other linked posts for my Best in Show award :)

  5. What a great idea! Your design turned out so cute, and I love the addition of the fabric. It really adds the perfect touch.

  6. This is super cute!! Love things like this. Thanks for your comment on my blog. I, too, am a "Kristi Lynn"! Always nice to meet another!


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