
lego birthday: party prep

it's sunday morning here.

we got an early start today..
the sledgehammer was knocking away concrete at 8am this morning..
outside the hubs & a friend are working on framing out a slab to extend our existing patio.
by the end of may we should have a screened-in porch!!
i'm getting excited about having someplace to eat dinner outside during the summer sans bugs!

inside there is evidence of the dude's birthday drawing close..
my BABY is going to be 7. i'm trying hard to digest that one.
i am the parent of a 7 going on 17 year old. i feel old. (mostly in that respect only)
i have legos on the brain all day....
& catch myself falling to sleep thinking about what food i could possibly find in lego blue.
the party planner in me finds this both a blessing & a curse.
(and the mom in me who requires more sleep decided it was time to take tylenol pm to shut my brain up & to ease the pain of my neck from being hunched over the coffee table making banners all day)

and things are finally starting to shape up.
i'm doing my best to stay on budget.
so far i'm doing a bang up job of that.
even with having to purchase some new icing tips & bake ware!

it's shaping up to be a busy day around here..
time for me to get back to work.
just wanted to pop in & say..
"yes. i am still alive!"

hope you are having a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. So deja vous... I had lego brain in February... Lego banner, Lego cake, Lego gift bags.... but it was all worth it!
    Have a great weekend.


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