
book: water for elephants


it took me four days to read it.
it took me four days to fall in love with it.
i surprised even myself by how much i loved it.
and while i am a rob pattinson fan..
let it be said that i DID NOT read this because he is in the new movie version.
i actually purchased it a year ago after a friends recommendation..
and sadly it's taken me until now to start & finish it.
it definitely starts out a little slow..
but it is soo worth it.
it does have some offensive language, but nothing that seems out of the ordinary for the setting of the book.
and of course now that i finished it..
i find i keep thinking about the story..

and c'mon..
is there anything so lovely & magical as the circus?
(and i very much feel torn because i know some of the animals are mistreated..)

i've found myself looking at circus & elephant inspired things on etsy..

there is this print available on a tshirt from elemental shop
i'm all about the printed tees ya know!

 and this beauty of a ring from wild woman jewelry

and i really had a hard time narrowing down just two bracelets from this shop that i love...
i mean i really love ALL of them!

i love this necklace, created after having read water for elephants.
i love this elephant print from east witching shop.
so full of movement!

and i totally love this print from phoenix firestarter!
if you haven't read water for elephants..
you should consider it.
so so good!
definitely added to my list of favorite books!

between reading & crafting for the dudes party..
i don't have much to share right now.
i did pick up something today to work on..
it's sorta inspired by maryjanes & galoshes doodled embroidery sampler here.
it may take me a bit to finish it, but i'll be sure to share when i do.
(right now i'm up to my eyeballs in lego font!)



  1. This one is on my to-read list. I may have to put in an order at the library soon. I love anything relating to the circus. Did you ever happen to watch the show carnivale? I loved that one, although it was a little bit out there. :)

  2. I got my new Kindle for Mother's Day, downloaded 'Water For Elephants' that evening & finished Wed afternoon! I just couldn't stop reading it (stayed up way past my bedtime a couple nights...oops); it was so great!

  3. i'm so jealous! i keep hinting, okay well telling, my hubs that i really want a nook.. he's just not buying it.. eventhough i keep telling him it'll save us money! :) he doesn't seem convinced!!

  4. Haha...just keep trying! That's the same angle I used, and I didn't think it was working, then he surprised me with it on Mother's Day! :o)


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