this is a blog about memory keeping, funny stories & baked goods i make, and do my best not to eat. proper capitalization is always optional.


recipe: becker bbq shrimp

for whatever reason, fasting makes me want to try new recipes.
i know, it makes NO sense whatsoever, but it's true.
i think it's mostly because i try out recipes that i wouldn't really want to eat.
i tend to cater more towards the hubs taste buds, or the treat him with 'less' healthy dishes.

i don't do spicy.
he favors savory, and doesn't do sweet dishes, like say... this hawaiian pineapple chicken dish i keep wanting to try.
the dude usually won't eat any vegetables & slathers his meat with ketchup, mustard, or ranch dressing.

makes dinner time LOTS of fun.
(hear the sarcasm?!)

i wanted to find something quick for dinner last night..
something that i hadn't made before
& that i had all the ingredients already on hand for.

i came across this becker bbq shrimp recipe on one of my pinterest boards
& decided to give it a try.

it's from the blog 'budget bytes' and as i've tried a few of her recipes already,
i knew it wouldn't disappoint.

rice, shrimp, garlic, butter, rosemary, oregano, red pepper flakes, paprika, salt, whole peppercorns, beer & chicken broth.

all ingredients i typically have on hand. although this time i didn't have rosemary or paprika, but a tone's pre-mix of rosemary & garlic, that had paprika in it.... so i nixed the paprika & just added the amount called for of rosemary.

i didn't really READ the part on budget bytes where it stated this was a spicy recipe... and i didn't think about the fact i was adding a teaspoon of red pepper flakes.. but it didn't really matter, because, like i said.. i'm fasting/juicing..

about 1/2 through his bowl the hubs was sighing & wiping his brow..
he said it was SPICY.
SPICY, but VERY good.
said it was full of flavor, and definitely got a thumbs up on the possibility of a repeat performance..
(although i may have to chill out on the red pepper flakes to handle it myself!)

if you haven't checked out 'budget bytes', you totally should.
she has some really great inexpensive meals on her blog.
she prices out each ingredient for you & how much each serving is, as well as the total meal.
and it's GOOD food.

what are you cooking these days?
any good food blogs you frequent?

happy tuesday!

linking to:
i heart naptime
tatertots & jello

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