this is a blog about memory keeping, funny stories & baked goods i make, and do my best not to eat. proper capitalization is always optional.


currents: 6.14.12

time: 9:48pm
location: bedroom desk

watching:  (well not right this second) true blood. finally saw episode 1 last night! eek! melissa & joey. i super puffy heart mjhart. forever. (and no it's not stalkerish that her son is named mason as well, mine was born first, but like seriously, we should totally be bffs in real life!)

kidding. sort of.

((**and on a side note, i am in absolutely DISBELIEF over the season finale's of vampire diaries & glee. i am PISSED OFF (sorry, no other way to put it) that elena went back for stefan. BORING. and she's a vampire now, can she PLEASE remember she met damon first, 'cause that was her stipulation for going back to stefan! and glee? i'm soo sad for finn & rachel.. and SO worried about what it means for the show that all these guys are leaving. i'm not sure tina, brit & crew can carry the show.))

i just re-read that stuff. i sound like someone who watches tv ALL THE TIME. but i don't. honest. i pretty much had the entire season of glee recorded & even though it ended months ago, i just caught up. same with vampire diaries. and i think i've said before i have the most 'shows' i watch now than i ever have.

listen. don't judge me, m'kay?! i watch when my kids are in bed! :)

listening: to my glee playlist on spotify. i got on spotify about 3 weeks ago, and i feel like such a goof for not joining in on the fun sooner. i have my friend andrea to thank for getting me hooked. (she has AWESOME playlists, from cry-baby to dirty-dancing, fleetwood mac & everything in between!)

loving: soy sauce. seriously. all of the sudden i'm obsessed with it. la choy is gluten free & i feel like it's a green flag waving in my face to abuse it. i am pretty sure i told the hubs last week that you could currently put it on anything and i would eat it.

enjoying: sleeping in. if you can call it that. school was out last wednesday and the boys have been sleeping in until about 8:30/9am. to not have to get up & move right away? loooovvving it!

(totally swiped this mr. happy toy from the babe's arby's meal last week.
& currently plotting how i can justify more arby's trips to get the rest of the collection!)

wanting: coffee. badly. i haven't talked much about it, but i did a 21 day fast two months ago, and since then i haven't had a single drop (along with no coffee has been no sugar or gluten) i just assumed i was into the caffeine kick every morning. turns out, i LIKE the way coffee tastes. go figure. hoping i can concoct a suitable alternative to sugar & milk to make it drinkable. 'cause i like weak coffee.

needing: a pedicure. baadly. i don't think i've ever been so embarrassed by the state of my feet in general. flip flops everyday for two years does not soft feet make, let's just say that. mama's toes need some tlc asap.  

(please excuse my badly in need of a paint touch up walls...
oh and the badly in need of a haircut kid, who apparently is going for the skater look these days
this is what i live with. out of nowhere he ends up sitting on the bag
of dog food, says look mama & starts chanting 'dOME... dOME'
after i stifled a laugh i corrected him & asked him where in the heck he learned that?!)

thinking: it is waay to early in the summer to be bored already. but i am. and i am NEVER bored. i am hoping that giving myself downtime after working on two birthday parties will rejuvenate me! keep your fingers crossed just in case though, m'kay?!

reading: nothing right now, but next up is either lost voices, a book about lost girls turned mermaids... OR force of habit, a book about a ex-nun who teams up with a detective to solve a religion-based crime. and no, i have no method to my madness in picking books, but i am TOTALLY swayed by a good cover.

(still needs 4 items to settle into the couch. his brother's old mickey blanket.
his mickey mouse. his lovie (a fisher price glow seahorse). & a sippy. oh & still a thumb sucker.)
looking forward to: a scrapbooking retreat next weekend. seeing 'magic mike' with the bf. and hopefully a trip to the beach sometime this summer!

i'd love to see your 'currents', leave me a link in the comments so i can drop by! :)


1 comment:

  1. love knowing what you're up to lately! so hey, have you tried almond milk? blue diamond makes a vanilla almond milk that we use in the house now. it might be amazing in your coffee. matt gets the unsweetened vanilla but the boys drink the vanilla stuff and think it's chocolate milk. give it a shot!
    also, i get pretty into my shows judging coming from this junkie.
    yay for spotify! glad you're all up-to-date now!
    keep working hard on your will pay off. and you deserve it!


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