this is a blog about memory keeping, funny stories & baked goods i make, and do my best not to eat. proper capitalization is always optional.


movie: crazy, stupid, love.

life is full of life right now.
the ups & the downs.
lately, there has been a lot more of the downs.
a lot.

my grandfather had a triple bypass last thursday.
came through it okay, but he's got a long way to go.
he lives quite a distance from us, and it's eating at me that it's been so long since we've seen him.

the granddaughter of a family friend was just diagnosed with neuroblastoma.
she's just a few weeks older than rance.
she's had the tumor partially removed, but has a long road full of chemo
& more surgeries ahead.
i can't wrap my head around the fact this poor little baby has to have chemo.
at 22 months old.
NO ONE should have to suffer through cancer, let alone a small child.

& there is more.
stuff i'm not able to talk about.
but stuff that's just breaking my heart.
stuff that's led to a lot of sleepless nights.
(i hate feeling helpless to help those i love)

the other night was another sleepless night,
& i decided to tackle some of the recordings hanging around on my dvr.

i don't think i could have watched this movie at a more perfect time.
it's full of life.
mostly real life.
mostly downs.
and oddly, it was refreshing.
something about it resonated with me.
steve carell plays cal, a husband who has just found out his wife,
 julianne moore, has slept with her co-worker (kevin bacon).
the movie follows the effects this seperation has on their family.
their 14 year old son robbie is in love with their 17 year old baby-sitter jessica,
who is in fact, in love with cal, and she thinks his wife is 'bat-shit' crazy.
it's all pretty comical.
as cal is lamenting (quite loudly & obnoxiously) at a local bar about his wife's infidelity,
he catches the attention of jacob palmer, a womanizer, played by ryan gosling.
jacob decides to take cal under his wing & turn him into something his wife will regret leaving.
and emma stone?
well she plays hannah, the only girl that doesn't fall for jacob's smooth pick up lines..
the movie is about re-connecting to yourself,
and fighting for who you love.
it's about a family trying to recover from infidelity.
it's funny, it's sad, & it doesn't necessarily have a happy ending, but that's okay...
because it has the best-ever dirty dancing related scene in it.
(you'll just have to watch to find out what it is)
in a world full of books & stories about happily ever afters..
sometimes it's nice to connect with something that is less than
i think sometimes i like the not-so-happily-ever-afters better.
real people with real flaws are much more interesting.


1 comment:

  1. I saw this movie a few months ago and really liked it! You described it so well. It's real life yet uplifting. It makes you think there's hope for everyone.


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